Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τη Θεατρική Ομάδα εδώ: 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Knock English students meet Cinderello!

As you all know, on Thursday 28th January the students of Knock English will meet Cinderello, a boy in desperate need of their help, through an engaging interactive performance in English.

The play is about the predicament of this poor boy, bullied by his awful sisters and stepmother and lurching from one adventure to the other. 

Given that the play is performed entirely in English, the cognitive and language benefits are so many it is hard to know where to begin. 

First of all, part of the performance is interactive, meaning that the audience will be participating as well, rather than passively watching the play. This, in turn, translates into rigorous speaking practice and development of communication skills along with the listening skills. 

Secondly, by exposing children to an English-speaking environment other than that of the classroom, we can achieve our two-fold purpose. Varying our teaching approaches and constantly providing our classes with diverse stimuli and learning opportunities helps us cater to any differences in our pupils' learning styles (kinesthetic, visual, auditory, etc). What's more, we believe that kids will have the chance to reinforce past knowledge while at the same time being introduced to new vocabulary and language structures more naturally - learning without realising it!

But this school trip's purpose goes far beyond language instruction, since an additional goal of ours is to help students also grow as persons and provide them with a well-rounded education.

By following Cinderello's story, children will learn first-hand about how we can muster the courage and strength to face our problems or fears head-on, thus overcoming all obstacles that come our way. We are confident that the morale of the story will be immediately internalised by students, and better yet, reflected in their lives later on.

Don't miss it!

Friday, 8 January 2016

Our Digital School Magazine - December 2015

Our first-ever digital school ‪magazine‬ (December 2015) is finally ready! You can find it published at http://issuu.com/knockenglish/docs/knock_english_-_school_magazine__de . Or you can just click on the image below. 
